MnDOT District 2

Investment summary
Over the next ten years, District 2 is projected to invest $707 million in state highway projects. The majority of projects will address pavement condition. While the primary purpose of these projects will be to address pavement conditions, MnDOT will also address other needs such as the condition of bridges, roadside infrastructure (signage, culverts, and lighting), safety improvements, pedestrian infrastructure that does not comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and bicycle infrastructure.
What was selected?
What was considered?
Evaluated within the district
- Pavement projects
- Bridge projects
- Other standalone projects
Evaluated statewide
- Bridge projects
- Specialty and competitive programs
- Corridors of Commerce
- Minnesota Highway Freight Program
- Highway Safety Improvement Program
- Historic Roadside Properties Program
- Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Railway-Highway Crossings Program
- Safety Rest Area Program
- Standalone Noise Barrier Program
- Transportation Economic Development Program
- Weigh Station Capital Improvement Program