Standalone safety improvement projects

MnDOT evaluates options to improve safety as part of every project. Not every safety concern can always be addressed on every project, but MnDOT makes a concerted effort to address the safety of all users during the project development process.
MnDOT also manages the Highway Safety Improvement Program, which specifically targets improvements that reduce the number of fatal and serious injury crashes. In addition, the Railway-Highway Crossings Program, and Safety Rest Area Program each fund projects that increase and support safe travel on state highways.
After funding safety improvements on already planned projects, each MnDOT district evaluates additional safety needs for targeted improvements. Potential improvements are identified though plans and studies, safety audits, and intersection control evaluations or through locally initiated efforts. If districts have additional safety funds based on the guidance in the Minnesota Highway Investment Plan, districts may also select standalone projects that aren’t selected by or eligible for the dedicated safety programs.
At present, all safety funds are targeted to improvements on already planned projects or to projects selected through the Highway Safety Improvement Program. Districts will be updating their safety plans in 2020, which will inform the creation of new candidate lists for future project selection decisions.