Mobility and capacity expansion
MnDOT evaluates options to improve the safety, efficiency and functionality of the transportation system as part of every project. When developing pavement and bridge projects, MnDOT looks for opportunities to make targeted improvements that address traffic flow and travel time reliability, the movement of freight, or connections for people walking, rolling or bicycling.
Most significant capacity expansion and mobility projects (for example, converting a signalized intersection into an interchange or adding lanes to a freeway) are now selected through statewide competitive programs. However, the Minnesota Highway Investment Plan does allocate some funding to address congestion relief and improve mobility in the Twin Cities and in Greater Minnesota.
Statewide competitive programs
Metro congestion management
Greater Minnesota mobility
- Standalone mobility improvement projects
- District 1 standalone mobility improvement projects
- District 2 standalone mobility improvement projects
- District 3 standalone mobility improvement projects
- District 4 standalone mobility improvement projects
- District 6 standalone mobility improvement projects
- District 7 standalone mobility improvement projects
- District 8 standalone mobility improvement projects