MnDOT district public engagement
District and title | Name and email | Phone number |
District 1: Communications & Engagement Coordinator | Margie Nelson | 218-390-4604 |
District 1: Communications & Engagement Coordinator | Stephanie Christensen | 218-750-0941 |
District 2: Public Engagement Director | TJ Melcher | 218-755-6552 |
District 3: Public Engagement Coordinator | Stephanie Castellanos | 218-828-5822 |
District 4: Public Engagement Coordinator | Bryan Christensen | 218-846-3609 |
District 6: Public Engagement & Communications Director | Mike Dougherty | 507-251-2749 |
District 7: Public Engagement Coordinator | Anne Wolff | 507-514-7175 |
District 8: Public Engagement Coordinator | Melissa Hjelle | 320-905-2319 |
Metro District: Communications & Engagement Acting Director | Nick Carpenter | N/A |
Additional information and assistance
Jeanne Aamodt
Acting Deputy Director of Public Engagement
Kayla Dean
Market Research and Digital Engagement Coordinator
Title VI nondiscrimination and assurance
Who to contact with questions about Title VI nondiscrimination and assurance, MnDOT’s pledge to provide its programs, activities and services free from discrimination:
Don Simmons
Title VI Coordinator
Environmental justice
Who to contact for guidance on addressing equity and fairness through an analysis of the environmental and health impacts on minority and low-income populations:
Lisa Elliot
Environmental Assessment Supervisor