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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Highway 51/Snelling Avenue

St. Paul

This webpage is not updated over the weekend/overnight. For up-to-date information on traffic impacts, visit

Traffic impacts

Highway 51/Snelling Avenue between Montreal Avenue and Ford Parkway and between Saint Clair Avenue and Grand Avenue in Saint Paul project area map

Snelling Ave. in St. Paul project location map.

View full-size map

All traffic impacts are tentative and weather dependent.


Information about upcoming traffic impacts will be posted as details become available.

Lane closures

Spring 2025
  • Short-term lane closures at the intersection of Snelling Ave. and St. Clair Ave.
    • These lane closures are anticipated to affect pedestrians, bicyclists and motor vehicle traffic
    • Motorists are advised to use alternate routes to avoid congestion

About this project

Construction in two locations on Hwy 51/Snelling Ave. was scheduled during the 2024 construction season.

We reconfigured Snelling Ave. between Montreal Ave. and Ford Pkwy. in St. Paul in 2024. This traffic safety project constructed a center median, reconstructed the traffic signal at Montreal Ave. and Snelling Ave., reduced traffic to one lane in each direction with dedicated left turns at the median breaks, removed parking along Snelling Ave., and constructed a new 10’ multi-use trail on the east side of Snelling Ave.

We also resurfaced a half mile of Snelling Ave. between St. Clair Ave. and Grand Ave. The project included building bumpouts and ADA-compliant crossings at all intersections north of St. Clair Ave. and Grand Ave.

Construction will wrap up in spring 2025 with replacement of the signal system at the intersection of Snelling Ave. and St. Clair Ave., along with resurfacing of the intersection and installing ADA-compliant crossings.

Summary of work

Snelling Ave. between Montreal Ave. and Ford Pkwy.

Completed: Spring through August 2024
  • Constructed an 8 ft. concrete center median along Snelling Ave., with breaks for designated left turns from NB Snelling Ave. at W. Rome Ave., Saunders Ave., Beechwood Ave. and Bohland Ave.
  • There will be no left turns allowed from Rome Ave. and Beechwood Ave. to NB Snelling Ave. Traffic will be able to turn left from Saunders Ave. and Bohland Ave. to NB Snelling Ave.
  • Constructed 10 ft. multi-use trail on the east side of Snelling Ave.
  • Improved the sidewalk on the west side from a 5 ft. sidewalk to 6 ft. sidewalk, and installed ADA crossings along Snelling Ave.
  • Reconstructed the traffic signal at Snelling Ave. and Montreal Ave.
  • Improved drainage

Snelling Ave. between St. Clair Ave. and Grand Ave.

Mid-July 2024 through spring 2025
  • Replace the traffic signal system at the intersection of Snelling Ave. and St. Clair Ave. (occurring in spring 2025)
  • Removal and replacement of dead/diseased trees (occurring in 2025)
  • Resurfaced Snelling Ave. between St. Clair Ave. and Grand Ave.
  • Updated sidewalks and crossings to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
  • Improved drainage
  • MnDOT also partnered with the city of St. Paul to address sanitary sewer and storm sewer preservation needs on this project. The city will pay for the cost of additional work.

Tree removal

We removed 34 trees along Snelling Ave. between St. Clair Ave. and Grand Ave. in early January 2024. Tree removal was needed because:

  • trees are diseased or in poor condition;
  • the trees’ location conflicts with construction for road improvements in summer 2024;
  • construction impacts to the tree’s root system will prevent the tree’s ability to survive long-term.

MnDOT staff respects the value that trees bring and carefully identified the location of each tree that was to be removed. We will reseed the area and in 2025 will plant new boulevard trees along Snelling Ave. to replace those removed for construction, or to replace additional trees as they die or are removed.