We will be repairing concrete, paving the shoulders, and updating existing guardrail on Hwy 212 and Hwy 5 between Eden Prairie Rd. and I-494 in Eden Prairie. The concrete on these roads is over 20 years old and is in need of repairs.
When work is finished, Hwy 212 and Hwy 5 will have a smoother and safer riding surface.
Summary of work
Repair concrete and repave driving lanes and shoulders
Repair and replace existing guardrail
Traffic impacts
All traffic impacts are tentative and weather dependent.
Information about upcoming traffic impacts will be posted as details become available. Motorists can expect ramp, shoulder, and lane closures during construction. There will be two weekend closures of Hwy 5, with traffic detoured using Hwy 41 and Hwy 212. Crews will work on one direction (eastbound or westbound) at a time, closing one to two lanes and leaving one lane open. The ramp from Mitchell Rd. to WB Hwy 5 will be closed for the duration of project.