Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Design System

Video production guidelines

A guide for internal MnDOT clients and external consultants

Internal project teams and external video production teams will use the following video creative brief guidelines to develop a creative brief before creating any video material or content for the Minnesota Department of Transportation. The creative brief must be approved by Communications and Engagement staff before any video production takes place.

Project background and objectives

Be as specific as possible and avoid broad statements “to educate,” “to inform,” or “to increase awareness.” Focus instead on changes in behavior that can be measured; what will happen because of the “increased awareness” or “education?” For example, you should not be creating a pedestrian safety video “to educate” people on the appropriate way to cross the street. You should be creating the video to change behaviors so more pedestrians can safely cross the street.

Answer these questions
  • Why are you producing this video?
  • Is the video part of a larger campaign or initiative?
  • What is the purpose?
  • What specific outcome are you hoping to achieve?
  • What’s the expected shelf life for this video? Do you intend for this video to be "evergreen”, and can you produce it in a way where updates can be made easily and cost-effectively?
  • How do you plan on sharing or distributing this video?