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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Districtwide Culvert Project

Canby, Milroy, Prinsburg, Wabasso, Watson

Districtwide Culvert Repairs

Summary of MnDOT work

This project involves repairs to over 130 culverts on highways in Chippewa, Kandiyohi, Lac Qui Parle, Lincoln, Redwood, Renville, and Yellow Medicine Counties.

Repairs include:

  • Placing plastic liners inside existing pipesDistrictwide map of culvert repair projects
  • Fixing separated joints between pipe sections on larger concrete culverts
  • Replacing unrepairable culverts
  • Placing riprap to repair and prevent erosion
  • Cleaning ditches adjacent to culverts

Traffic impacts

Most of the work will be done off the highway in the ditch bottom and will only require temporary shoulder closures.

Five locations will involve temporary road closures, with detours at four of the locations.

Detours will be restricted to occur outside the normal planting and harvest seasons.

Project location and detour maps

Project summary

Project update

March 27, 2025

  • In April, crews will begin clearing vegetation from state right of way that could impede work.
  • Culvert work begins in mid-May
  • Detour dates will be posted on this website when known, along with message boards on the roadway near the location