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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Northwest Minnesota Regional Information

MnDOT District 2

About District 2

District 2 serves at total fourteen counties:

  • Beltrami
  • Clearwater
  • Hubbard
  • Kittson
  • Lake of the Woods
  • Marshall
  • Norman
  • Pennington
  • Polk
  • Red Lake
  • Roseau
  • Shares parts of these counties with another district::
    • Cass (District 3)
    • Koochiching (District 1)
    • Mahnomen (District 4)

We have offices in Bemidji and Crookston as well as truck stations all over the district. Our major industries rely heavily on a safe and efficient transportation system.


The MnDOT team in District 2 plans, designs, constructs, and maintains the state and federal trunk highways within the district. We also manage the aid and assistance provided to local governments that qualify for state and federal transportation funding for roadways, bridges, trails, and transit systems. District 2’s construction program's top priorities are to preserve the existing system and to make cost-effective safety improvements. Our construction program emphasizes pavement and bridge repair and replacement, and low-cost safety improvements.

Manufacturer's Perspective study

The Manufacturer's Perspective study seeks to better understand freight customers’ transportation priorities and challenges, and to incorporate their feedback into MnDOT’s planning and project development. A better understanding of these customers’ businesses and transportation needs is helping MnDOT to better align its work to support their success and, by extension, the economic vitality of the region and state. The project identified concerns and suggested improvements in the areas of infrastructure, maintenance, communications and policy.

Toward Zero Deaths

We are partners in the Northwest Minnesota Towards Zero Deaths partnership whose goal is creating a collaborative, comprehensive, and regional approach to eliminate serious injuries and deaths due to traffic crashes. The regional TZD emphasis areas are: reducing impaired driving, reducing excessive speeds, increasing seatbelt usage, and increasing awareness of distracted driving. To learn more about the impact distracted driving can have watch this powerful 10-minute video by the Minnesota State Patrol, "Shattered Dreams: Distracted Driving Changes Lives".