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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Hwy 73 resurfacing – Chisholm

St. Louis County

Summary of work

A rendering of the Hwy 73 Chisholm project.

Click image for full-size image

Pavement rehabilitation (mill and overlay and concrete joint repair).

Demonstration project

When MnDOT hosted a public meeting in Chisholm on June 10, we talked about the construction project coming in 2027. This includes looking at the intersection of Hwy 73/Lake Street and 3rd Avenue Northwest. It was suggested we conduct a demonstration project to see how a 4-way stop would function in place of signal lights. The demonstration project was in place for approximately one month, mid-August to mid-September. Below is a video explaining the project and the results.

Public meetings

MnDOT hosted a public meeting on June 10 to talk about the Hwy 73 construction project. For those unable to attend in person, meeting materials are below.

Traffic impacts

None at this time.