Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project selection

Increasing the transparency of how we select highway construction projects

Specialty and competitive programs

Historic Roadside Properties and Waysides

How the projects scored in 2023

The construction costs shown on this list represent a very high level estimate based on information available at the time selection decisions were made. Actual construction and delivery costs will change over time as projects go from a concept through the project development process and are eventually constructed. View more detailed scores (Excel).

Score Site Name Project Construction Year  Planning Level Project Estimate  Comments
90 Oak Lake 2023 $850,000 Newly eligible, coord w. district, ADA
70 Birch Coulee Historical
2026 $350,000  
70 Graeser Park, Phase 3 2023 $250,000 Prior to conveyance
70 Otter Tail Lake 2024 $350,000 Coord projects 6,
12, 18, 33
62 TH 301 at St Cloud Reformatory 2022 $2,600,000 Coordination with district roadwork
62 Lilac/Mtka Blvd/Rock
58 St. Cloud Historical
2022 $50,000 Interpretive signage
55 New Ulm Spring 2021>2022 $900,000 Let in FY22
55 Pelican Rapids Village Historical
2024 $350,000 Coord projects 6,
12, 18, 33
52 St. Paul Overlook [Burns Ave] 2022>Lilac $50,000 Gate closer
50 Cascade River Wayside- Mortar Testing 2022 $75,000  
50 Cascade River Wayside-
2025 $750,000  
50 Otter Tail City
Historical Marker
2024 $350,000 Coord projects 6,
12, 18, 33
50 Garrison Concourse 2026 $600,000  
49 Willow Lake 2023 $250,000 Curb and changing
49 Orr Roadside Parking Area 2025 $300,000  
48 Inspiration
Point (Lanesboro)
2027 $400,000  
41 Split Rock Lighthouse Overlook 2025 $250,000  
33 Craigie Flour Mill 2024 $250,000 Coord projects 6,
12, 18, 33
  Whipholt- small project 2023 $30,000 Interpretation incomplete
  HEWITT RPA 2027 $600,000 Class II
  Maiden Rock HM-Lake Pepin Rest
Area (Class 1)
2026 $250,000 Community concern