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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Planning & Programming



TRLF Application Forms

Forms are available in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) and Microsoft Excel (XLS). Both forms, TRLF Application Form and TRLF Benefit-Cost Input Worksheet, must be completed and submitted in order to be considered for a TRLF loan.  
The Adobe Acrobat form has been designed for data entry. Simply open it and fill it out. When you are done, email it to us.


Click on the appropriate link below to download the TRLF application form and TRLF Benefit –Cost Input Worksheet.

Optionally, you can Right click on the links below and "SAVE AS" to download the Acrobat file to your hard drive. Then open Acrobat directly and open the file from the directory you saved it in.

TRLF Application form (PDF)
TRLF Input worksheet (PDF)
TRLF Input worksheet (XLS)