Program Management
Program Management coordinates capital investments for the state road construction program in the eight-county Twin Cities metro area. Products such as the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), the Capital Highway Investment Plan (CHIP), and data for the Met Council Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) are developed each year.
10-Year Workplan
The draft workplan for 2016-2025 includes a list of MnDOT major construction and reconstruction projects with associated costs planned over the next ten-year period (including the TIP).
Investment and Policy Guidance
Future transportation system investments and policy guidance within Metro District's eight-county metropolitan area are produced by MnDOT and its partners, including the Metropolitan Council.
The Metro District Highway Investment Plan is MnDOT's investment plan for the eight-county Metro Area for the next 20+ years. It reflects federal, state and regional policy and performance direction, projected funding availability and priorities. It clarifies performance measures and targets consistent with:
Met Council Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) & MnMAP
The TIP is a listing of all federally-funded transportation projects in the Twin Cities Metro Area covering a four-year period. It includes all highway projects regardless of funding.
Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) coordination
Each metropolitan area in the nation with a population over 50,000 must have an MPO and a federally-certified metropolitan transportation planning process in place in order to receive federal transportation funds. MnDOT is responsible for participating in this process and ensuring that the Twin Cities MPO has a valid planning process in place.
Statewide CHIP MAP
Metro District’s CHIP communicates the next 10-years of planned projects in the district. The planned projects align with the goals and objectives set in the Minnesota 20-Year State Highway Investment Plan (MnSHIP).
A collection of statewide programmed projects for the CHIP can be found on the MnMAP.
Screenshot of MnMAP