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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Engineering process | Planning



Transit allows people to reduce their energy consumption, live independently, and participate fully in Minnesota’s communities by providing transportation options other than driving alone.  Different forms of transit share the space our highways occupy and have an effect on how we design and build our infrastructure.

When to use this subject

Consider transit on projects that have an identified current or future transit user need, or on projects on highways that have existing transit routes, stops, or bus shoulders.

The Greater Minnesota Transit Investment Plan (2017) established goals that align with the Minnesota State Highway Investment Plan (MnSHIP) and Statewide Multimodal Plan. You can review these documents for more information.

MnDOT has substantial authority and responsibility to provide facilities and encourage transit use, pursuant to the state legislation. Federal policy also supports and funds those directions. The overriding impact of the applicable legislation is that MnDOT has substantial authority and responsibility to provide access to transit, increase the efficiency and productivity of public transit systems, and support individual transit systems.

Transit is an important part of transportation equity considerations. Review District Advancing Transportation Equity reports to better understand the context in which transit can contribute to transportation equity in your district.

For specific process information, see the other guidance page and/or contact the individual on the contacts page.

How this subject fits into the overall project development process

Pre-scoping engagement activities should include a discussion of transit activity and needs with local stakeholders.

From the beginning, involve local partners in conversations about how people use transit in the community. MnDOT should use its statewide and transit system plans as a guide, but should not assume these plans provide a full picture of transit needs. Involve district planning staff in a robust pre-scoping engagement program that is of great value to setting expectations for projects and fully understanding needs as they unfold.

By planning for transit facilities in the pre-scoping and scoping phase, and fully integrating them throughout the highway project development process, we can achieve safe and effective facilities in the completed project.

Organizations involved