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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Engineering process | Final Design



Surveying allows you to know the position of something on the ground by way of a digital map in three dimensional space. Land surveys play an important role in designing and developing projects by providing the ways and means to positioning design information on the ground.

When to use this subject

You will need surveys on any project that changes the physical elements of a corridor, ranging from mill and overlays to major construction. The work type will dictate the specific types of surveys required. Beyond mapping data, boundary data may be required if acquisition of right of way is necessary.

For specific process information, see the other guidance page and/or contact the individuals on the contacts page.

How this subject fits into the overall project development process

It is best to begin field surveys in advance of the road design phase. District surveys should be substantially complete before detail design can begin. CO and District Office survey activities related to right of way acquisition should start before the completion of construction limits as many right of way activities are dependent on this stage being completed and finalized.

Organizations involved

  • MnDOT:
    • Office of Land Management, Surveying and Mapping Section
    • Project Managers
    • District Surveys
    • District Construction
  • FHWA
  • Municipalities and Counties