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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Engineering process | Scoping



The purpose is to investigate the project soils/materials to ensure that project plans include the most appropriate and cost effective design.

When to use this subject

You will need to investigate soils/materials early whenever you anticipate a change in alignment and/or cross-section. Such projects range from overlays to new construction on new alignment.   Involvement prior to programming is required to ensure investigation of appropriate alternatives and determination of the proper fix.

How this subject fits into the overall project development process

Seek materials input during the scoping process for major and minor construction projects.  Early involvement includes field trips or other means to assess what improvement options or alternates can be utilized.  Reviews occur during the report review stages.

The District Materials staff write a Material Design Recommendation (MDR) to communicate pavement and geotechnical design recommendations to the project designers.  The Pavement Design Unit reviews the MDR and provide suggestions to District Materials.  The MDR is necessary for construction plan preparation in final design.

For more information and specific process information, see Pavement Design and reach out to the Pavement Design contacts.

Organizations involved

  • MnDOT:
    • Office of Materials and Road Research
    • Office of Construction and Innovative Contracting
    • Project Managers
    • District Construction
    • District Materials
  • Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
  • Municipalities and counties