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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Environmental process | Environmental review | Section 6(f)

Section 6(f)/Land and Water Conservation Fund (LAWCON) Act prepared statements

Use the following statement fora Class II Action with No Section 6(f) impact:

The project has been reviewed for potential Section 6(f) involvement.  The project will not cause the conversion of any land acquired or developed with funds from the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LAWCON) to other than outdoor recreation use.  No Section 6(f) involvement exists on this project.

Use the following statement for Class II Action with Section 6(f) impact:

The project has been reviewed for potential Section 6(f) involvement.  The project will result in the conversion of any land acquired or developed with funds from the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LAWCON) to other than outdoor recreation use. Section 6(f) involvement exists on this project and the Section 6(f) Standard Attachment for Programmatic Categorical Exclusion Projects, which describes the necessary coordination and mitigation agreements, is attached.