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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Engineering process | Planning



The Photogrammetric Unit produces accurate geospatial products used for planning, designing, constructing, and maintaining Minnesota’s Trunk Highway System. This unit specializes in aerial imagery, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), and the operation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) for precision mapping.

When to use this subject

If you need topographic information and it is impractical to perform a field survey due to constraints such as size, hazardous conditions, or access limitations.

Common instances include:

  • Areas where high-resolution imagery is needed
  • There will be new construction or improvements to existing infrastructure
  • UAS operations for small projects that require precision mapping and would be difficult to survey using traditional methods
  • Americans with Disability Act (ADA) Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and feature extraction
  • As-built data
  • Questions about imagery, LiDAR, or drones
  • Accuracy of the data and products produced by the Photogrammetric Unit

How this subject fits into the overall project development process

  • Photogrammetric mapping is one of the first steps in the construction program. The products are used from scoping all the way through final design and sometimes post construction
  • Photogrammetric data is typically requested at least 4 years before the project letting date
  • All photogrammetric project requests are channeled through District Survey offices
  • Aerial imagery and LiDAR are collected twice a year.  During the spring after snow melt but before the leaves come out and in the fall after the leaves are off but before snowfall
  • Lead time for photogrammetric projects is a minimum of 6 months from the time of imagery/LiDAR acquisition

Organizations involved