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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Engineering process | Scoping

Geometric Layouts


The Staff Approved Layout serves as documentation that the preferred alternative for a project has been selected and approved, and that the final design phase can begin. (Minnesota Statutes, section 161.162, subdivision 2).

When to use this subject

A Staff Approved Layout is necessary for all projects that require municipal consent and meet the Level 1 criteria listed below.  The State Geometrics Engineer in the Geometrics Design Support Unit (GDSU) and the State Design Engineer (OPMTS Office Director) must review and approve all Level 1 Layouts.  Level 2 and 3 layouts require an internal MnDOT approval at the District level. For more details, refer to Geometric layout development (PDF) on the Geometric Design webpage.

The Geometric Design website provides information for project submittal, P6 schedule details, layout submittal, review, approval process, and forms that you will need when interacting with GDSU.

How this subject fits into the overall project development process

The geometric layout development process can begin after project initiation and early informal interaction with GDSU.

There are six individual P6 activities related to Level 1 Geometric Layouts. The ownership of these activities are split between GDSU and District project manager. GDSU owns a total of 30 working days in the overall layout development process.  The project final design cannot move forward until the State Geometrics Engineer and the State Design Engineer review and approve the layout.

See the chart in Attachment A (PDF) for the work package that you must include in the project schedule for a Level 1 layout.  Refer to Geometric layout development (PDF) on the Geometric Design website for details regarding the specific layout activities.

Organizations involved