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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Environmental process | Environmental review

Energy Analysis Procedure


The purpose of an energy analysis is to identify project alternatives that possess the greatest potential for fuel conservation by planning, designing, constructing, and operating highways in a manner that conserves fuel. An energy analysis can assist in the decision making process as a project justification tool. You can also use it to make project staging and detour decisions.

When to use this subject

You are only required to conduct a detailed energy analysis, which includes numerical computations of fuel use (in British Thermal Unit (BTU)), on major urban and rural Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) projects with potentially significant energy impacts. Such projects include:

  • Construction of a major new segment of interstate highway
  • Adding an additional lane, several miles or more long, to an existing interstate highway
  • Upgrading a substantial length of highway to a freeway or expressway
  • Adding two or more lanes in one direction to a heavily used state highway
  • Other projects of similar magnitude to those listed above

For specific process information, see the process, other guidance pages and/or contact the individuals on the contacts page.

How this subject fits into the overall project development process

You are required to perform the energy analysis for both the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) and the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS). An energy analysis or discussion is not required for Environmental Assessments (EA) or Categorical Exclusions (CATEX).

Organizations involved