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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Engineering process | Scoping

Design Standards and Exceptions for Controlling Design Criteria


The purpose of the Design Standards and Exceptions for the Controlling Design Criteria is to guide project managers, designers, and consultants through the documentation, review, and approval process when any design elements do not meet the guidance set by the 11 controlling design criteria (PDF).

When to use this subject

Regardless of functional class of roadway and type of project work, if any of the guidance set by the 11 controlling design criteria (PDF) are not met, you are required to document the Design Exception.  For specific Design Memo process information, contact the Assistant State Geometrics Engineer and see the Geometric Design Standards and Exceptions (PDF) for Controlling Design Criteria Process.

How this subject fits into the overall project development process

You must document any design elements that deviate outside of the guidance described in the Facility Design Guide and the 11 controlling design criteria (PDF) in the project Design Memo (Word) at the preliminary stage of project development. Either the District Engineer or the State Design Engineer must approve the Design Memo prior to the project entering final design stage. See the Design Standards and Exceptions (PDF) document for additional details.

Organizations involved