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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Engineering process | Planning



Design-Build (DB) is an alternative contracting method that allows MnDOT to hire a Design-Build Team (composed of both a qualified contractor and consultant) to both complete the final design and construct a project for a competitively-bid lump sum amount. This method allows the contractor to influence the design and use its knowledge to address the risks and opportunities of the project while following MnDOT’s specifications.

When to use this subject

DB is well-suited to unique and complex projects that require collaboration between the designer and contractor. Typical candidates include projects that greatly benefit from contractor input (e.g., constructability, maintenance of traffic (MOT)/staging, cost, schedule, risk) and present risks or opportunities that can be resolved within specifications without active MnDOT input.

Typically, DB projects are selected early in the project development phase (scoping/preliminary design). This allows MnDOT to complete only as much investigation and preliminary design as is necessary to allow for a quality procurement. Additional preliminary design (or final design) beyond this point may result in inefficient rework.

How this subject fits into the overall project development process

MnDOT has Design-Build processes that are integrated into the overall project development process once the Design-Build delivery method has been selected for a project (typically occurs in the scoping/preliminary design phase).

Organizations involved