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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Engineering process | Planning

Construction Manager/General Contractor (CMGC)


Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) is an alternative contracting method that allows MnDOT to work collaboratively with a designer and construction contractor to plan, design, and construct a project. In this collaborative process, the construction contractor provides input during a project’s design phase to improve the constructability of the design, reduce cost and construction time, reduce risk, increase on-time completion and budget certainty, and encourage innovation.

When to use this subject

CM/GC is well suited to unique and complex projects that require collaboration between the designer, contractor, and MnDOT. Typical candidates include projects that greatly benefit from contractor input (e.g., constructability, maintenance of traffic (MOT)/staging, cost, schedule, risk) and present risks that are best managed or shared by MnDOT (e.g., right of way, utilities, railroad, historic properties, fixed budget). 

Typically, CM/GC projects are selected early in the project development phase (scoping/preliminary design). This allows each party to provide meaningful input on key design decisions that shape the project.

How this subject fits into the overall project development process

MnDOT has CM/GC processes that are integrated into the overall project development process once the CM/GC delivery method has been selected for a project (typically occurs in the scoping/preliminary design phase). 

Organizations involved