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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Environmental process | Environmental review | Class II Action

Non-Programmatic Categorical Exclusion (Non-PCE)

Review the Programmatic Categorical Exclusion (PCE) Flowchart to determine which forms to use District notifies MnDOT Office of Environmental Stewardship (OES) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) of intent to prepare a CATEX (Long Form).


Categorical exclusions are types of projects that normally do not have a significant effect on the human environment and, therefore, neither an environmental assessment nor an environmental impact statement normally is required.

When to use this subject

Bigger or more complicated projects may need the Long Form CATEX, especially if the document (or draft) will be used with the public or if agencies have need or more detailed information or discussion. All Non-Programmatic Categorical Exclusions require use of the Long Form.

They are actions that:

  • Do not induce significant impacts to planned growth or land use for the area
  • Do not require the relocation of significant numbers of people
  • Do not have a significant impact on any natural, cultural, recreational, historic or other resource
  • Do not involve significant air, noise, or water quality impacts
  • Do not have significant impacts on travel patterns
  • Do not otherwise, either individually or cumulatively, have any significant environmental impacts

How this subject fits into the overall project development process

The environmental review process for a non-programmatic categorical exclusion begins in scoping  and ends with a categorical exclusion signed by the MnDOT District Engineer and OES Chief Environmental Officer and FHWA Area Engineer. 

Organizations involved