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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Engineering process | Scoping

Bridge Hydraulics


Bridge Hydraulics provides technical assistance for streams, rivers, culverts, ponds, and storm drainage systems. 

When to use this subject

Work with Bridge Hydraulics (Bridge Waterways) on any project that involves a bridge or culvert (ten feet or greater) over any body of water.

For specific process information, see the other guidance page and/or contact the individuals on the contacts page.

How this subject fits into the overall project development process

Start working with bridge hydraulics in the scoping phase to select the appropriate structure type. Scoping is initiated by the PM filling out a Form A.

The waterway analysis (actual bridge hydraulics recommendation) is started at the beginning of preliminary design. To initiate the waterway analysis, we must receive the bridge waterways surveys from district surveys. Be sure that you include the bridge survey work in the project schedule work packages appropriately. Bridge hydraulics work must be complete by the end of the preliminary bridge design phase.

Organizations involved

  • MnDOT:
    • Bridge Office
      • Hydraulics Section
      • Preliminary Design Section
    • Project Managers
    • District Design
    • District Bridge
    • District Hydraulics
  • FHWA
  • Municipalities and counties