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Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Information and resources

Information and resources

Contact MnDOT

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Submit questions or comments
800-657-3774 (toll-free from Greater Minnesota)

MnDOT channel Description Contacts
Customer Relations General questions, comments or concerns. General Complaint Form
Accessibility Constituents with accessibility concerns or conflicts related to ADA may submit an ADA complaint. Title II Coordinator
ADA Complaint Form
Civil Rights Constituents who feel they have been discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, or income status in any and all programs, activities, or services administered by MnDOT may file a Title VI Complaint. Kim Collins
Government Affairs Constituents with conflicts where the overriding issue is political or legislative in nature may work with Government Affairs to address their issue with MnDOT; any issue brought to MnDOT via a legislator, elected official or legislative staff should, at the very least, notify Government Affairs of the contact. Jennifer Witt
Ombudsman After first working with MnDOT staff closest to their issue, constituents may work with the Ombudsman to further explore resolution options if their issue remains unresolved. The Ombudsman is an independent, informal, and impartial function of the Commissioner’s Office. Ombudsman
Report Wrongdoing form:   Report Wrongdoing form

Statewide office locations
District Offices MnDOT District 7 - Mankato/Windom Metro District - St Paul/Minneapolis MnDOT District 8 - Marshall/Wilmar/Hutchinson MnDOT District 1 - Duluth/Virginia MnDOT District 4 - Detroit Lakes/Morris MnDOT District 2 - Bemidji/Crookston MnDOT District 3 - Baxter/St Cloud MnDOT District 6 - Rochester/Owatonna

MnDOT sells excess property on a regular basis. View pictures, descriptions, bid forms and instructions on how to purchase these properties:

Driver and vehicle licenses and renewals, road tests, handicap parking, revocations and reinstatements and more are handled by the Department of Public Safety:

Government data are public and are accessible by the public.