Alert: Beware of fake messages pretending to be MnDOT, E-ZPass or tolling agencies. We don’t text or email for payment. Delete and don’t respond.

Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Information and resources

Information and resources

Disclaimer, legal notices and policies

Privacy statement

Protection of individual privacy is a primary concern, and is governed by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13, GOVERNMENT DATA PRACTICES

For site management functions, information is collected for analysis and statistical purposes. This information is not reported or used in any manner that would reveal personally identifiable information, and will not be released to any outside parties unless legally required to do so in connection with law enforcement investigations or other legal proceedings.

We use log analysis tools, including Google Analytics, to create summary statistics, which are used for purposes such as assessing what information is of most interest, determining technical design specifications, and identifying system performance or problem areas. Our Web site logs do not collect personally identifiable information, and we make no attempt to link the Web site logs with the individuals who browse the Minnesota Department of Transportation Web site. When you visit the MnDOT Web site we, or our technology partners, automatically collect and store the following information about your visit:

  1. The Internet Protocol Address and domain name used but not the email address. The Internet Protocol address is a numerical identifier assigned either to your Internet service provider or directly to your computer. We use the Internet Protocol Address to direct Internet traffic to you.
  2. The type of browser and operating system you used;
  3. The date and time you visited this site;
  4. The Web pages or services you accessed at this site;
  5. The Web site you visited prior to coming to this Web site and
  6. Search terms used to find the MnDOT site or to search for information on the MnDOT Web site.

Opt-out options

There are two ways to prevent information about your visit from being collected by Google Analytics:

Forms and surveys

If during your visit to the Minnesota Department of Transportation Web site you participate in a survey, fill out a Web form, or send an email, the following additional information will be collected:

  1. The e-mail address and contents of the e-mail; and
  2. Information volunteered to complete a Web form or in response to a survey

The information collected is not limited to text characters and may include audio, video, and graphic information formats you send us. The information is retained in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Chapter 138.17, subd. 1, and Minnesota Statutes Chapter 15.17; destruction, preservation, reproduction of records, prima facie evidence.

If you send us an email with a question or comment that contains personally identifiable information, or fill out a form that emails us this information, we will only use the personally identifiable information to respond to your request and analyze trends. This may be to respond to you, to address issues you identify, or to further improve our Web site. We may redirect your message to another government agency that is in a better position to answer your question. Survey information is used for the purpose designated.

Note: The information that you provide is considered public data under the Minnesota Government Data, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13. This means that if someone, including the news media, requests this information we are obligated to provide it to them under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act.


General disclaimer of warranties/liabilities; applies to all users

Neither the State of Minnesota, the Minnesota Department of Transportation nor their employees make any representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to the use of or reliance on the data provided herewith, regardless of its format or means of transmission. There are no guarantees or representations to the user as to the accuracy, currency, completeness, suitability or reliability of this data for any purpose. The user accepts the data "as is" and assumes all risks associated with its use.  The Minnesota Department of Transportation assumes no responsibility for actual,  consequential, incidental, special or exemplary damages resulting from, caused by or associated with any user's reliance on or use of this data, even if appraised of the likelihood of such damages occurring.

Disclaimer of warranties for contractors

Notice of Disclaimer: The Minnesota Department of Transportation makes the information on this site available on an "as is" basis.  ALL WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND WITH REGARD TO THE INFORMATION ARE EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  Under no circumstances will MnDOT, or any of its officers or employees be liable for any consequential, incidental, special or exemplary damages even if appraised of the likelihood of such damages occurring.  MnDOT does not warrant the information against errors, omissions or deficiencies of any kind. The use of any of this information for work which is under contract with MnDOT does not relieve the contractor from any obligations assumed by the contract, or from complete and proper fulfillment of the terms of the contract, nor does it entitle the contractor to compensation for damages or loss which could be attributed to such use.

Disclaimer of duty to continue provision of data

Due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, resources that are free and publicly available one day may require a fee or restricted access the next, and the location of items may change as menus, homepages, and files are reorganized. The user expressly agrees that use of MnDOT's Web site is at the user's sole risk. The State does not warrant that these services will be uninterrupted or error free. The documents and related graphics published on these servers could contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically added to the information herein. The State and/or its respective agencies and programs may make improvements and/or changes in the information and/or programs described herein at any time.

Maps and related data

This map and the data it contains are a graphical representation provided for informational purposes only. This map is not a legal land survey nor does it contain coordinate correct data. Boundary representations are not authoritative. MnDOT and the State of Minnesota may make improvements, additions, deletions and/or other changes to the information and/or data on the website at any time. Graphical representations of boundaries and other information on this map do not constitute a legal representation, recognition, endorsement, or acceptance, of any kind by MnDOT, or the State of Minnesota. MnDOT and the State of Minnesota make no representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to the use of or reliance on the data provided, regardless of the format or means of transmission. There is no guarantee or representation to the user as to the accuracy, currency, suitability, or reliability of this data for any purpose. The data published on the website could contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. The user accepts the data “as is” and assumes all risks associated with its use.  MnDOT and the State of Minnesota assume no responsibility for any loss or damages resulting from, caused by, or associated with the user’s reliance on information in this map.

[Where applicable] By clicking on any or all email addresses contained on this site and sending an email message to said address(es) you agree that you understand that the information you provide, including your name and email address, is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be available to the public upon request.

Disclaimer of endorsement

The State of Minnesota is a distributor of content sometimes supplied by third parties and users (for example, we distribute Adobe Reader so people can read PDF files appearing on this site). Any opinions, advice, statements, services, offers, or other information or content expressed or made available by third parties, including information providers, users, or others, are those of the respective author(s) or distributor(s) and do not necessarily state or reflect those of  MnDOT and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes. Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the State.

Linking policy

Any website can link to the Minnesota Department of Transportation Web site. If you link to this site, you may not portray any person or subject in a false or misleading light. You must also refrain from creating frames, or using other visual altering tools, around the MnDOT identity. Lastly, you may not imply that the state of Minnesota or the Minnesota Department of Transportation is endorsing your product or services.

Minnesota Department of Transportation staff members will evaluate each requested link based upon the following criteria:

The suggested Web site must either be a state or local government agency/quasi-agency or non-profit entity, or must provide information related to state or local government or other statewide interest. Commercial Web sites will not be considered unless they provide significant information or services of a statewide interest or are in partnership with a state entity.

Disclaimer for external links

The State of Minnesota is not responsible for the contents of any off-site pages referenced. The State cannot control and is not liable for the defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct of other users, links, or third parties. The risk of injury from the foregoing rests entirely with you, the user. Links from the State of Minnesota's Web pages on the World Wide Web to other sites do not constitute an endorsement from the State. These links are provided as an information service only. It is the responsibility of the Web surfer to evaluate the content and usefulness of information obtained from other sites. MnDOT's Internet site contains links to other related World Wide Web Internet sites and resources. Since MnDOT's Internet site is not responsible for the availability of these outside resources or their contents, you should direct any concerns regarding any external link to its site administrator or Webmaster.