Minnesota Department of Transportation

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MnDOT District 6

MnDOT District 6 planning

The state’s transportation needs and priorities are determined through a comprehensive, performance and risk-based planning process.

This process begins with the 50-year Minnesota GO transportation vision. The vision and guiding principles are intended to inform the investment and service decisions of all agencies responsible for transportation planning, construction and delivery in Minnesota.

MnDOT updates the 20-year Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan every five years to articulate policy objectives and strategies necessary to support the vision over the next two decades. MnDOT’s “family of plans” is developed to further guide how MnDOT invests in highways, freight, rail, ports and waterways, aviation, transit, bikes, and pedestrians.

District 6’s 10-Year Capital Highway Investment Plan (CHIP) (PDF) 2021-2030 communicates the next 10 years of planned projects in the district. The planned projects align with the goals and objectives set in the Minnesota 20-Year State Highway Investment Plan.

More information on planning and public involvement