Traffic noise analysis and noise barriers
Traffic noise and traffic noise impacts were frequently cited as a concern in public comments. This feedback was a primary factor in recommending certain Hwy 252 interchange configurations for further study in 2024-2025.
Noise levels conditions for existing and potential design options will be studied as part of the proposed Hwy 252/I-94 project in Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center and Minneapolis. These noise levels will be analyzed to see which areas along the project area exceed the Federal noise standards. For areas where noise standards are exceeded, noise reduction techniques such as noise walls will be analyzed to see if they meet the necessary noise reduction and cost effectiveness criteria. For areas that meet the necessary criteria, a noise wall proposal will be developed, and eligible property owners and residents will be contacted to participate in a voting process. Eligible properties are ones that would receive a five decibel or higher reduction in sound from a noise wall. They will be able to vote for or against any proposed noise wall before it moves forward for construction as a part of the project.
We plan to establish a Noise Advisory Committee (NAC) in 2024-2025. The purpose of the NAC is to provide two-way communication between MnDOT and the public to provide a greater understanding of the traffic noise analysis process. Invitations to participate in the NAC will be extended to interested individuals along Hwy 252 and I-94. NAC meetings are anticipated to follow a public open house meeting format and will occur at certain milestones in the noise analysis process.