This portion of construction on Hwy 13 between the Hwy 13/Hwy 101 interchange and Quentin Ave. in Savage is complete.
As a part of the initial project, we completed a study and initial environmental documentation for the section of Hwy 13 from Savage to Burnsville. This study identified alternatives for the remainder of the intersections and highway.
Next up, preliminary engineering will begin on remaining Hwy 13 construction that resulted from the study. That project will include reconstruction of Hwy 13 between Quentin Ave. in Savage and Nicollet Ave. in Burnsville. Work is tentatively scheduled for 2027-2028.
We will update this project website later this year with more details about the upcoming Hwy 13 construction. If you would like to stay informed about the upcoming remaining Hwy 13 construction that resulted from the study, please sign up for email updates.