Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Livability Initiative

Guiding Commitments

Enhanced engagement with stakeholders is an essential component of creating livable projects. The following set of Guiding Commitments was developed from ideas, input, and surveys completed by community members.

Livibility Pillars

These statements will guide how we work with communities in the future:

  • Vision: Understanding a community’s underlying values and issues of importance, now and into the future, to articulate common ground; building toward that vision with each project and demonstrating that commitment to communities over time.
  • Co-power: Cultivating joint ownership of each stage of the process; acknowledging that local knowledge is valid and valuable expertise; including communities in identifying criteria for prioritizing decisions and being partners in problem-solving.
  • Authenticity and respect: Providing timely, accessible information as well as multiple options for participation; acknowledging issues and constraints communicated by stakeholders.
  • Transparency: Communicating realistic timelines, participation impact, funding realities, decision-making processes, and levels of authority; making visible the context of the whole process at each step.
  • Inclusivity: Creating inclusive partnerships and teams from vision to construction; ensuring multiple voices are engaged and reflected in decision making.