Bridge L8850
See features of the bridge
History and significance
Bridge L8850 is a reinforced-concrete slab with masonry facing that carries Municipal Road 99 over the Chippewa River at the east entrance of Lagoon Park in Montevideo, Minnesota. Bridge L8850 was designed by Montevideo City Engineer M.E. Chamberlin and built in 1938 by the Works Progress Administration. Bridge L8850 is one of two nearly identical Chippewa River crossings that were built by the WPA as part of an extensive improvement of Lagoon Park in Montevideo. The other bridge constructed as part of this project is Bridge L8849. Bridge L8850 is significant for aesthetics as one of Minnesota's best examples of a rustic ornamental park bridge built in the WPA Rustic Style.
City of Montevideo (Chippewa County)
Latitude, Longitude: 44.95196077, -95.72846380
Bridge features
Overall aesthetics as featured by the randomly coursed stone veneer, the masonry stringcourse, and the keystones.
Constructed by the WPA as part of the Lagoon Park federal-relief construction effort in Montevideo during the Great Depression.