You must have a Tech ID to register. Lake Superior College won't process registrations without a Tech ID and payment.
Class registration and billing
Lake Superior College (LSC) handles all TCP class registrations and billing. The LSC staff and registration system processes requests in the order they are received. Classes fill quickly, so you should register as soon as possible.
Registration process
Logistics, credits, and special needs
Class times
Class days are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., unless noted
Class locations
You will receive information about the class location in the registration email after you register and the confirmation email sent two weeks before the class. See all class locations.
Lodging and meals
You or your employer are responsible for your own meals and lodging. The MnDOT training facilities have vending machines with some food and beverage options.
LSC course credit for the class
At the end of your class, you will be emailed a college credit request form. In order to receive free college credit, you must attend the class, pass the exam, fill out the form in its entirety, and email it to Iris Hiemenz.
Professional Development Hours (PDH) certificate
Find information on receiving an PDH Certificate.
Learning differences and accommodations
If you have a disability or learning issue, either permanent or temporary, which might affect your ability to perform in a class, the online exam, or the performance exam, contact Suzanne Johnsrud to discuss possible accommodations.
Cancellations and changes
If you need to cancel - and it is more than a week before the class
Go into your Lake Superior College registration account to make changes and cancellations. If you cancel at least seven calendar days prior to the class, you will receive a refund.
If your company wants to send a replacement for you
If you will not be attending the class, your company may may opt to send replacement for you, but only if the change is recorded in the registration system. Email Iris Hiemenz to report the change. Please include the course name, class number, and both students’ names (the current student registered and new student taking their place).
If you need to cancel - and it is less than a week before the class
If is within seven days of the class start date, you cannot make changes in the LSC registration system and no refund will be given. Please contact Iris Hiemenz so they can notify the instructor of your absence.
If you miss class
You will not receive credit for the class or get access to the exam. You must re-register and pay another class fee.
If there is a weather advisory
Classes will not be cancelled due to possible bad weather. If you feel driving conditions are too dangerous for you to attend, please contact Suzanne Johnsrud the morning of the scheduled class. You may be moved into another class section, if one is available, or will be issued a refund. Additional classes will not be opened to accommodate those that choose not to attend due to weather.
Health and safety
Please follow current health guidelines, including masking if needed, to help keep the TCP community and instructors safe. If you have any concerns or issues that arise, please contact Suzanne Johnsrud.