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Greenhouse gas reduction target setting


The Minnesota Legislature passed a series of updates to state statute in 2023 and 2024 to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. These changes include a goal to reach net zero GHG emissions by 2050 and require the transportation commissioner to set emission reduction targets specifically for transportation.

  • Minnesota Greenhouse Gas Reduction Legislation – Target Setting background, Sept. 2024 (youtube.com)

Target setting criteria

The revised 2024 law directs the transportation commissioner to set targets by Feb. 1, 2025 and provides specific guidance. The transportation commissioner:

  • Must specify a target for the seven-county metro area
  • May further allocate the statewide target in other ways across the state
  • Must account for differences in the feasibility and extent of emissions reductions across forms of land use and across regions of the state

Target setting process

We're in the process of considering two main ways of setting targets:

  • Per capita
  • By regional priorities

We'll publish more information soon.

Opportunities to learn more

We'll engage with transportation partners around the state in the coming months to make sure they are aware of the new legislation and to collect feedback.