TED applications from the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area (7 counties) will be scored using the following criteria.
Criteria |
Points Available |
Economic Benefits |
35 |
Transportation Benefits |
40 |
% Non-MnDOT Funding |
5 |
Project Risk Assessment |
20 |
Additional points may be awarded for project applications that include contributions from non-public sources or that advance the geographic distribution objectives in Minnesota State Statute 174.12. However, the total score may not exceed 100 points.
A project must receive at least 50 points to be eligible for funding.
Economic Benefits
For Twin Cities Metro Area applications, a total of 35 points are available for economic benefits based on the following factors.
Criteria |
Points Available |
Basis |
Job creation/retention per $1 million of project cost |
20 |
Based on the difference between the 5 year job estimate with the project and the 5 year job estimate without the project divided by the cost of the project in millions |
Income creation/ retention |
15 |
Based on the difference between the 5 year estimate of wage income with the project and the 5 year estimate wage income without the project |
Impact to targeted labor/industry
Provided the total economic benefit score does not exceed 35 points, the selection committee may assign up to 5 points if the jobs created/retained are likely to benefit a low-income community, tribal community, community of color or people with disabilities.
There has to be a reasonable logic as to how the jobs would benefit those communities – pure proximity is insufficient unless the types of jobs created are matched to the skills/abilities of that community or there are established/planned job training programs to connect nearby residents to these new jobs.
Selection committee adjustments
The selection committee may adjust scores for overly speculative claims or overly conservative estimates.
Transportation Benefits
For Twin Cities Metro Area applications, a total of 40 points are available for transportation benefits based on the following factors.
Criteria |
Points Available |
Basis |
Benefit-cost ratio |
10 |
Transportation benefit-cost analysis based on information supplied by the applicant as well as MnDOT staff analysis following MnDOT’s standard procedure. |
Plan consistency and need |
30 |
Based on the need for the project, plan consistency and improvements for freight and multimodal transportation (see factors below) |
Factors considered in assigning points for “plan consistency and need:”
- Addresses a sustained crash location and/or a safety issue identified in a district or county safety plan
- 77Interchange/grade separation or at-grade intersection improvements consistent with the Metro Principal Arterial Intersection Conversion Study
- Improves access to a port, airport or intermodal facility
- Project in on a Metro tier 1 or tier 2 truck route
- Removes a geometric barrier or avoids future load restrictions on an Oversize/Overweight route
- Addresses a flood risk
- Addresses a pavement or bridge condition need (conversely, points may be lowered for projects that proposed work on assets with significant remaining service life)
- Includes improvements for pedestrians/Priority Areas for Walking Score (PAWS)
- Addresses ADA issues identified in MnDOT ADA transition plan
- Development includes complete and interconnected pedestrian network
- Includes improvements for bicycling / RBTN / Bicycle barriers
- Improves access to transit
- % change in number of jobs accessible within 30 minutes by auto and transit
- % of benefiting businesses with a transportation management plan (or commitment to develop one)
- # of existing and planned EV chargers at benefiting businesses
- Infill development
Projects do not need to address all of the factors listed to receive full points.
% Non-MnDOT Funding
Up to 5 points are available for projects that are not fully funded by MnDOT. Percentage will be based on estimated total transportation project cost, not just trunk highway eligible costs.
Project Risk Assessment
For Twin Cites Metro Area projects, up to 20 points are available based on potential risks to the deliverability of the project within the timeframe of the program.
Risk Category |
Points Available |
Basis |
Environmental Documentation |
2 |
Based on the status of the environmental document |
Right of Way |
5 |
Based on whether right of way acquisition in needed and the status of the acquisition |
Railroad Involvement |
3 |
Based on whether the project requires a railroad right of way agreement and the status of that negotiation |
Funding |
10 |
Based on the level and status of funding for the project |
Bonus Points
Provided a project's total score does not exceed 100 points, Twin Cities Metro Area applications may receive additional points for the following.
Non-public funding or in-kind assistance
Based on Minnesota Statutes 174.12 Subd. 5 (3), the selection committee may award up to 5 bonus points if any of the project costs are covered by private contributions or right of way donations.
Geographic distribution
Based on Minnesota Statutes 174.12 Subd. 5 (6), up to 5 bonus points will be assigned to project based on the following methodology:
- Location (municipality) has not received funding in the last 2 rounds of TED - 1 point
- Location (municipality) has never received funding from TED – 1 additional point
- County has not received funding in the last round of TED – 1 point
- ... in the last 2 rounds – 1 additional point
- ... in the last 3 rounds – 1 additional point
These points are based on the geographic location of the project, not the applicant.
TED applications from Greater Minnesota were scored using the following criteria.
Criteria |
Points Available |
Economic Benefits |
40 |
Transportation Benefits |
35 |
% non-MnDOT Funding |
5 |
Project Risk Assessment |
20 |
Additional points may be awarded for project applications that include contributions from non-public sources or that advance the geographic distribution objectives in Minnesota State Statute 174.12. However, the total score may not exceed 100 points.
Projects must receive at least 50 points to be eligible for funding.
Economic Benefits
For Greater Minnesota applications, a total of 40 points are available for economic benefits based on the following factors.
Criteria |
Points Available |
Basis |
Job creation/retention per $1 million of project cost |
20 |
Based on the difference between the 5 year job estimate with the project and the 5 year job estimate without the project divided by the cost of the project in millions |
Income creation/ retention |
20 |
Based on the difference between the 5 year estimate of wage income with the project and the 5 year estimate wage income without the project |
Impact to targeted labor/industry
Provided the total economic benefit score does not exceed 40 points, the selection committee may assign up to 5 points if the jobs created/retained are likely to benefit a low-income community, tribal community, community of color or people with disabilities.
There has to be a reasonable logic as to how the jobs would benefit those communities – pure proximity is insufficient unless the types of jobs created are matched to the skills/abilities of that community or there are established/planned job training programs to connect nearby residents to these new jobs.
Selection committee adjustments
The selection committee may adjust scores for overly speculative claims or overly conservative estimates.
Transportation Benefits
For Greater Minnesota applications, a total of 35 points are available for transportation benefits.
Transportation scoring criteria
Criteria |
Points Available |
Basis |
Benefit-cost ratio |
10 |
Transportation benefit-cost analysis based on crash information supplied by the applicant as well as MnDOT staff analysis following MnDOT’s standard procedure. |
Plan consistency and need |
25 |
Based on the need for the project, plan consistency and improvements for freight and multimodal transportation (see factors below) |
Factors considered in assigning points for “plan consistency and need:”
- Addresses a sustained crash location and/or a safety issue identified in a district or county safety plan
- Score from the Greater Minnesota Mobility Study
- Addresses a pavement or bridge condition need (conversely, points may be lowered for projects that proposed work on assets with significant remaining service life)
- Improves access to a port, airport or intermodal facility
- Heavy commercial truck traffic
- Removes a geometric barrier or avoids future load restrictions on an Oversize/Overweight route
- Addresses a flood risk
- Includes improvements for pedestrians/Priority Areas for Walking Score (PAWS)
- Addresses ADA issues identified in MnDOT ADA transition plan
- Development includes complete and interconnected pedestrian network
- Includes improvements for bicycling
- Improves access to transit
- % change in number of jobs accessible within 30 minutes
- % of benefiting businesses with a transportation management plan (or commitment to develop one)
- # of existing and planned EV chargers at benefiting businesses
- Infill development
- Project includes expanding fiberoptic coverage
Projects do not need to address all of the factors listed to receive full points.
% Non-MnDOT Funding
Up to 5 points are available for projects that are not fully funded by MnDOT. Percentage will be based on estimated total transportation project cost, not just trunk highway eligible costs.
Project Risk Assessment
Up to 20 points are available based on potential risks to the deliverability of the project within the timeframe of the program.
Risk Category |
Points Available |
Basis |
Environmental Documentation |
2 |
Based on the status of the environmental document |
Right of Way |
5 |
Based on whether right of way acquisition in needed and the status of the acquisition |
Railroad Involvement |
3 |
Based on whether the project requires a railroad right of way agreement and the status of that negotiation |
Funding |
10 |
Based on the level and status of funding for the project |
Bonus Points
Provided a project’s total score does not exceed 100 points, Greater Minnesota applications may receive additional points for the following.
Non-public funding or in-kind assistance
Based on Minnesota Statutes 174.12 Subd. 5 (3), the selection committee may award up to 5 bonus points if any of the project costs are covered by private contributions or right of way donations.
Geographic distribution
Based on Minnesota Statutes 174.12 Subd. 5 (6), up to 5 bonus points will be assigned to project based on the following methodology:
- Location (municipality) has not received funding in the last 2 rounds of TED - 1 point
- Location (municipality) has never received funding from TED – 1 additional point
- Region (based on Regional Development Organization boundaries) has not received funding in the last round of TED – 1 point
- ... in the last 2 rounds – 1 additional point
- ... in the last 3 rounds – 1 additional point